
So these are a couple of pieces that was done and should’ve stayed done yoinks ago if it wasn’t for my habit of forever twiddling and adding things and ended up reworking a whole element (in the case of Aeris’ decorative border, and Sephiroth’s background. Now just looking at the latter made me want tweak a couple more thing. edit: as of now, I already did. Oh gawd someone stop meeeeh)

Anyhoo – these are my indulgence piece(s) for the year – my love letter to Final Fantasy VII and these two characters in particular. It is aaaall my feels (and I have plenty for this game XD) captured in each illustrations, for all the lack of proper words to describe them. I hope I did them justice :3

because some folks over at FB asked ever so nicely and I thought I’d put it here just in case anyone’s interested – pre-order of prints (ready to be shipped after 28th Dec 2014) are up in Etsy.
Larger prints (immediate availability) may be purveyed from Society6 :3 (They have free worldwide shipping deal going on at the moment)


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