

Look y’all, I’m just saying– the Wayne kids are celebrities.

And Wikipedia articles can be edited by anyone.

Jason keeps changing the “Born” and “Died” dates on his profile. He also changes the “Resting Place” location on his entry, depending on where he’s eating lunch – every so often, Jason Todd’s final resting place says Gotham Cemetery, but it’s really a link to the online menu for a greasy spoon in the Suicide Slums. Sometimes it’s a link to the Arkham Assylum wikipedia page. Sometimes it’s a link to the Dunkin Donuts Rewards Program signup page. 

Dick likes to edit Damian’s “Awards and Nominations” subheading, to brag about his school accomplishments. There’s a surprising number of science fair, mathletes, and spelling bee accolades on Damian Wayne’s wikipedia page. In retaliation, Damian edits Dick’s profile photo – instead of the Wayne Industries stock photo, or Dick’s BPD headshot, Damian uploads a photo of Dick’s mullet.

Tim’s only edit is to say he’s two inches taller.

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