
“Among a hundred different people, there would be a hundred different forms of love. There is no one form of love.”
↳ Requested by @mysteriouslysaltytragedy​ for @rurokenweek 2017

some RuroKen 3 impressions, mostly ‘ship edition

Well aside from the sobbing mess all the Aoshi/Misao scenes gave me (and yeah they were quite different than canon in some brutal ways but ugh tragic babies and together in the end) – 

omg the Shishio/Yumi scenes. her white lace kimono ensemble (wedding-esque Aredhel-esque fuck not that parallel shit Maeglin = Soujirou?). omg every single time he held her. That they gave full justice to their brand of mad love. the laughter as he burned. that laughter. Shishio. Yumi. just, ugh~ 

Also, drinking game with this trilogy and killing nameless Meiji policemen? y/y?

Kyoto Inferno was better overall, I think

the leaf proposal lol